Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sick on Saturday

identic (eye-DEN-tik) adjective

1. Relating to a diplomatic action in which two or more governments
agree to follow the same course in relations with another government.

2. Identical.

It's been quite some time since I last dropped any words in this online canister. Was I busy? Surely, sometimes. Was I lazy? Often, definitely. Regardless, today, as I sit on my couch, wind blustering in and out of the windows, a small ziplock of tissues at my feet, and tea cooling next to my laptop, I decided write again. To make a choice to write, and, more importantly, to choose to write something that need not be labeled as "good", "interesting", or "thought-provoking". Although I contend that those specific words rarely illuminate, they do sit heavy on my mind. Not in this blog really (how could they, you know? Thirty posts in a year or something?), but outside this blog, where I hope to create.

Do not write for the ends, write for the means. Focus not on the whole piece, but on a word, then the next word, then the next word, until you find yourself with a sentence. Like any art, to reveal something as "completed" marks a state of mind, not an end.

Oh, and as for the today's word, last weekend I saw SiCKO, and again found myself flung into the frustrating throngs of political disillusionment. I suddenly felt tossed into 2002, near the end of my college days and the very height of both my frustration and my action. Now, five years gone, as a day worker and a night performer, a renter and a consumer, I am further and further away from that self.

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