Garrison finish (GAR-i-suhn FIN-ish) noun
The finish of a contest in which the winner rallies at the last
moment to score the victory.
There's this weird notion that exists in the entertainment community called "making it". Everyone, seemingly, stands on some level of this ambiguous concept, strives to achieve it, and, often, wallows in disappointment when left unfulfilled. "Making it"--unlike "making out"--has few tangible or measurable attributes. Does "making it" presuppose fame and respect? If so, how does one quantify that? Is grand financial success a tenant of "making it"? And how much is rich, anyway? Rich for now, or rich forever? Who deems someone as successful, and should it be deemed at all?
Regardless, the whole thing smells of social pressures and sliding scales. Live dreams, don't "make" them. Very few people die having spent every dime.
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