Thursday, January 11, 2007

And Your Bird Can Sing

speculum (SPEK-yoo-luhm) noun

1. A mirror used as a reflector in an optical instrument,
such as a telescope.

2. Speculum metal: any of various alloys of copper and
tin used in making mirrors.

3. An instrument for holding open a body cavity for
medical examination.

4. A bright patch of color on the wings of certain birds,
for example ducks

I can feel the weight of my eyelids and the heat leaving my hands. Every dismally mundane task drops like a brick before crumbling into my own dismissal. The dull drone of computer hardrives and day to day chatter of coworkers spending time as fast as they can buy suddenly flicks at the back of ears like a seventh grade instigator. My job, of late, leaves me cut open and dried; a human canyon.

I think I'm ready to move onto something new, something challenging, something more professional. Something with lunch breaks and steady, specific hours. Something that pays the same or more. Something that asks of me what I ask of it--the handshake of honest employment.

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