Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Chewing With Wooden Teeth


(kuhn-DOOS, -DYOOS)

verb intr.: To lead to or contribute to a particular result.

There's a moment in the sitcom we just filmed where Davey, wonderfully portrayed by my friend Nick, vehemently attempts to cheer-up Jeff, played by me. Davey's aware that Jeff just got demoted, kicked out of his own house, and discovered his girlfriend's having an affair with his ex-boss. Naturally Davey invokes President George Washington as comparison.

"George Washington lost his job, his house, and his teeth all in the same day. But did he just lay down and die? No! He didn't die until much later."

Obviously this line exists for comic effect, but I do find a nugget of truth hidden behind the goofiness. Like much of America, and no doubt the world at large, I am not happy at my job. I'm not satisfied by the fundamentally flawed hierarchical fashion in which my company (not at all unique in it's configuration) organizes both creative and administrative facets of our product. I'm tired of endless circuits of meetings and the invisible handcuffs placed on those with good ideas but no power. I could go on. So could you. So could most people.

This morning, while walking against the bitter cold wind to get some coffee, I reviewed Davey's line about George Washington. It's incredibly cliche, for sure, but to dismiss the underlined meaning results in unhealthy cynicism. I cannot continue to defeat myself despite the obstacles laid before me. If I'm going to race, I must learn to jump hurdles. And I'd rather scrape a knee than kick dirt as a bystander.

In other words, I refuse to lay down and die.

I believe blogging will play a significant role in this endeavor. I may use this blog or I may create another. Regardless, I want to write everyday and cover topics (weekly?) that I enjoy and/or feel extremely passionate about.

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