Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Quiet Snow

umbrage (UHM-brij) noun

1. Offense or annoyance arising from some insult.

2. Shade, as from a tree.

3. A vague suggestion or a feeling of suspicion.

Last week I put together a mix CD called "Wintry Mix", inspired by the sudden cold and the soft comfort of falling snow. I chose tracks based on how I thought they'd sound as music to winter's more iconic pictures or maybe accompaniment to building the season's first fire. Right now, outside my work window, I can't stop myself from watching one of those pictures form, from the quickly disappearing sidewalk cracks, to the now clearly defined branches on a bare tree.

Snow lacks the basic follies of human judgement--discrimination, fear, self-censorship--equalizing every civilized triumph and failure to the same state, blinding value and suffocating class. She touches, kisses steps like foreheads, fills holes and paints hills. Ignorant, silent like love, snow holds, embracing.

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