Monday, October 23, 2006

It's Hip To Be Aware...pretentiously

pertinacious (pur-tin-AY-shuhs) adjective 1. Holding resolutely to a purpose, belief, or opinion. 2. Stubbornly unyielding.

There's something funny about someone choosing to use "pertinacious" in a sentence and then having to define it when questioned, as though they're purposefully defending both their word choice and their character. Like when a hipster abbreviates the name of an unknown band hoping you'll then ask, "Who?"

"Lost Sock Monkies."


"They're like Bloc Party. Only, you know, good."

"I like Bloc Party."

"Their E.P. was okay."

Hipsters: Always Justified. Makes you wonder what would happen if Pitchfork reviewed food and not music, whether hipsters everywhere would shun pizza.

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