pococurante (po-ko-koo-RAN-tee, -kyoo-) adjective
Indifferent, apathetic, nonchalant.
The thing that burns most about the violation of home burglary rests on the very fact that people, that fellow humans, carry out the action. No one can blame stolen laptops on javelinas or raccoons, and no monkey pries open a window in search of digital cameras. People commit crimes. People steal from people. And yes, surely the animal kingdom houses a similar level of opportunistic creatures that pillage from others, but the major difference between animals and humans--here comes the mighty generalization--lies on the balance of instinct and choice. Although every animal and every person engage in distinct, individual lives, their biological predispositions entitle them to a varying slate of survival choices. A person's history may point to certain options, but, ultimately, the person chooses their direction, chooses how they want to continue living.
A person chooses to distribute additional acts of human suffering.