anthropomorphize (an-thruh-puh-MOR-fyz) verb tr., intr.
To attribute human qualities to things not human.
Suddenly, swiftly, the gun-cock unclicks and I collapse to the floor in a clump of relief. The cloaked assassin exits--who was he? how did he find me?--and the door thuds in his wake. A manifestation of his already wooden punctuation.
I curl, nearly touch my knees. Nothing so cold as now, nothing so sweet as soon. My eyes burn, open or closed, and each breath grasps for itself, never reaching. I feel, with the damp tip of my tongue, each new crease in my lips like stitches on a baseball. I sweat. I gurgle inquiries from innards and come up empty.
But even half awake, a witness to my own life in tilted sepia tone, I still see my shadow. I still block some light from view. I still encompass some measurable form, still hold weight. I do, I still do.
I exist.